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#6656 - The Football League - the First 100 Years - Byron Butler

#6656 - The Football League - the First 100 Years - Byron Butler
#6656 - The Football League - the First 100 Years - Byron Butler
#6656 - The Football League - the First 100 Years - Byron Butler  - view 1#6656 - The Football League - the First 100 Years - Byron Butler
 £16.00 / $24.00  each

Product Description

Published by - Colour Library Books
Condition - Fine.

Published by - Colour Library Books
Condition - Fine.
Size - 300x225mm
Jacket Condition - Near Fine
Binding - Cloth
ISBN - 0 86283 583 6
Edition -
Publish Year -1988

Description - A lavishly illustrated book of the first 100 years of league football. All the great players, teams and memorable matches. Also 100 years of League tables. 352 pages. Subject to postal quotation.