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#6331 - Augustus - John Buchan

#6331 - Augustus - John Buchan
#6331 - Augustus - John Buchan
#6331 - Augustus - John Buchan  - view 1#6331 - Augustus - John Buchan
 £16.00 / $24.00  each

Product Description

Published by - Hodder and Stoughton
Condition - Very Good

Published by - Hodder and Stoughton
Condition - Very Good
Size - 230x170mm
Jacket Condition - No Jacket
Binding - Buckram
Edition - First Edition
Publish Year -1937

Description - A well produced book of 356 pages, with four monotone plates, a fold out chart "The Household of Augustus" and fold out map "The Empire under Augustus." Some faint spots to rear board otherwise very good throughout.