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11221 - The War That Never Was, the fall of the Soviet Empire 1985-1991 - David Pryce-Jones

11221 - The War That Never Was, the fall of the Soviet Empire 1985-1991 - David Pryce-Jones
11221 - The War That Never Was, the fall of the Soviet Empire 1985-1991 - David Pryce-Jones
11221 - The War That Never Was, the fall of the Soviet Empire 1985-1991 - David Pryce-Jones - view 111221 - The War That Never Was, the fall of the Soviet Empire 1985-1991 - David Pryce-Jones
 £14.00 / $21.00  each

Product Description

Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London 1995
ISBN 029781320X
Condition Very Good

How much was accidental and how much was by design, in all probability will never be settled. Gorbachev, his colleagues, advisors and rivals, their hopes and regrets, emerge in the round. Here is the death of Communism as experienced on the inside.