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#0607 - The Partridge - Macpherson, Rev. H.A.

#0607 - The Partridge - Macpherson, Rev. H.A.
#0607 - The Partridge - Macpherson, Rev. H.A.
#0607 - The Partridge - Macpherson, Rev. H.A.  - view 1#0607 - The Partridge - Macpherson, Rev. H.A.
 £35.00 / $52.50  each

Product Description

Published by - Longmans Green & Co
Condition - Very Good

Published by - Longmans Green & Co
Condition - Very Good
Size - 195x135mm
Jacket Condition -
Binding - Publishers Original Cloth
Edition - 3rd Edition
Publish Year -1896

Description - 276 pages, with a vignette on the title and 11 full page plates. Text divided into three sections. The Natural History by Rev. H.A.Macpherson. Shooting by A.J.Stuart-Wortley and Cookery by George Saintsbury. Originally the book had several uncut pages and someone has used a heavy hand when splitting them, otherwise very good.