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#4153 - On and Off the Rails - Scott, Brough

#4153 - On and Off the Rails - Scott, Brough
#4153 - On and Off the Rails - Scott, Brough
#4153 - On and Off the Rails - Scott, Brough  - view 1#4153 - On and Off the Rails - Scott, Brough
 £9.00 / $13.50  each

Product Description

Published by - Victor Gollancz
Condition - Very Good

Published by - Victor Gollancz
Condition - Very Good
Size - 255x200mm
Jacket Condition - Good
Binding - Cloth
Edition -
Publish Year -1984

Description - Ex jockey and Sports Journalist of the Year, this is the best of Brough Scotts evocative encapsulation of racing in the 1970's and 80's. 192 pages, photographically illustrated.